Ringo Grand Prairie, Texas 8/23/03

Update (8/30/03)
  • From Marty Walsh:

    When you see someone enjoying their work it can be contagious. When you meet an old friend who is comfortable with their role or has overcome past struggles to emerge a stronger person, it can be inspiring.

    These sentiments explain the current Ringo and the All Star Band tour that rolled into Next Stage in Grand Prairie Texas on Saturday August 23.

    Here was Ringo Starr, former Beatle, in great shape, at ease with the audience, energetically playing his musical past and present while sharing the spotlight with current members of the All Star Band. You got the sense that he likes being who he is and who he was. If we all could be so well adjusted!

    What a show! The show set is the same one that has been detailed in previous reviews, so no reason to repeat it. But let's just say that Ringo offered just about all the Beatle songs that featured his lead vocal with the exception of Octopus's' Garden. The solo selections were a mix of greatest hits and cuts from "Ringo Rama."

    The All Star Band was tight. They picked up from Ringo's vigor and were enjoying the show. Each had their opportunity to showcase their own musical past and they nailed it. Highlights included Colin Hay and, of course, Shelia E!

    During the show, I found myself concentrating on Ringo when he sat behind his drum kit. He hasn't lost it. You realize that he is a very talented and underrated rock drummer. That steady backbeat, so familiar from years past really hits home when you see Ringo in a live setting.

    Like a visit with an old friend, you relive the old memories, but are glad to see they so comfortable with their present state of mind and circumstances!

    (8/26/03) From Rick McTague:


    Well, it finally happened - I saw a Beatle live without taking out a second mortage on my house!

    The occasion was my 2nd son Patrick's 15th birthday - I have raised him and his brothers right on a steady diet of the Fab Four their whole lives, and now they play along with me as we enjoy these timeless tunes. So, we were thrilled when we saw that Ringo was coming to town with his All Star band. I jumped on tickets for us and my 2 band mates (Baked Goods, www.bakedgoods.org) and we made the big trek from McKinney to Grand Prairie. Very nice venue, no smoking and a crowd that ran the gamut from young to old, hipster to spasmodic 8 year old.

    The band came out a little after 8:00, we had great seats about 30 rows back right in the middle. Ringo was announced and he came bounding across the stage waving the inevitable 2-handed peace sign. Of course, we all went wild to see him, goose bumps and screams everywhere. What a moment. The band kicked in and played away, they opened with It Don't Come Easy, and the night was in swing. The crowd stayed on their feet for 1.75 songs and then sat down (my wife and I wanted to stay UP!) but we were all up and down the whole night. I can't remember the whole set list, but I don't think it differs from what has been posted on your site.

    I need to get down to the real reason for writing you - Ringo seemed to be aware of this from the start: He knows you are there to see an ex-Beatle live and in person. I caught myself watching him during his drumming on other's songs and thought "This is the SAME GUY who gave "Hey Jude" its punch, who is in all those concert films, and who saw the world together with John Paul and George from the Cavern to the rooftop of 3 Saville Row. When I looked at it that way, it really hit home and I was so glad to share it with those in my family and my closest friends.

    Back to the show. They all had so much fun - laughing and gesturing during songs and smiling the whole time. They seemed like they really liked each other and enjoyed being on stage doing not only their own tunes but the songs written by each other. In our group's opinion, like many others I'm sure, Shiela E. stole the show. My friend Tiny (5' 19") said she had the biggest balls of all of them and I quite agree! She played all out, and left nothing on the stage except shattered drum sticks after her solos. Paul Carrack was amazing on the keyboard and has not lost a vocal note in all these years. He had on a funky snow leopard hat but was in fine form, especially in "The Living Years." Colin Hay was quite tasteful on guitar(s) and had some very classic echoey sounds and contributed in a very unique way, not overpowering but really adding to the sound. He didn't seem at all intimidated by any of the solos and his voice was excellent too. "Who can It Be Now" was a definite highlight! John Waite had a bit of a hoarse voice which he apologized for, but sounded excellent and really gave it up for "Missing You." He played like four different basses, strange to see but it worked out fine. Mark Rivera really had a great time, engaging with just about every other band member for every song, romaing across the stage and joking with Ringo and Shiela while multitasking between sax, keys, guitar, flute, tambourine, etc.

    Back to Ringo. When he came out front to sing he HAD FUN but he needs to get with Mick Jager or someone on how to move on the stage and groove. It was easily forgiven being who was doing it but the goofy swaying got a little hard to watch - he ended one song doing jumping jacks! Nice. He was in great shape, most of his songs were lowered a few keys ("I Wanna Be Your Man," "Boys," "Act Naturally") to accomodate the range. But all that paled to the fact that it was a frickin Beatle up there not 75 feet away from me. It was almost surreal. His drumming was tight and he really locked in with Shiela E. The "banter" was quite funny ("I can only hear the high voices say 'I Love You' - the lower voices sound like 'Gllaahh gllaaahh glllaaaaahhh!'). He accepted audience offereings (except one for one girl who he sent back to her seat -?) and posed for photographs and mugged to the crowd with comments about signs, splendid female body assets, kids who flashed the peace sign back to him and he really seemed relaxed.

    It was completely cool to finally see one of these guys who I've loved and followed and who have inspired me since 1964 when I was 3 and hey came on the Ed Sullivan show and (according to my parents) I would run and get my Tinker Toy microphone and Bugs Bunny guitar and stand in front of the TV and play and sing along with and who I rediscovered when I was 15 by buying a bargain bin copy of Let it Be for $2.99 and I've never looked back. I was just happy to share it with my family and friends and ~7,000 other fans.

    Thanks Steve for a kick ass web site and thanks Ringo for a great show and a once in a lifetime experience!

    Newspaper links:
  • Star-Telegram.com: Show full of really good oldies (Thanks to Sarah Jones.)

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